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Ministry and Outreach

Growing Up in Faith

Disciples in Training

At Cascades Fellowship, we believe growing in faith is a life-long endeavor. So we offer learning opportunities for every age and ability. Our teaching ministries are geared to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all ages and education levels. We are committed to making disciples - to seeing lives transformed by the Gospel. Our desire is to help you know God more fully so you may make him known.

Growing Deep in Christ

Always Reforming

One of the reasons we call ourselves "reformed" is because we are constantly reforming. In other words, we consistently measure our lives against the witness of Scripture, striving to meet God's holy standard. Scripture tells us God's purpose in redemption is to make us like his Son, Jesus. So we offer Bible studies, fellowship events and service opportunities to help us conform to the image of God's Son.

Gathering In and Going Out

A Lifestyle of Worship

Our morning worship service is more than just a hymn sing and a sermon. It is an authentic, intimate conversation between God and his people. Through this conversation we find assurance of God's loving-kindness and are equipped to share the Gospel with a world in need. Through our corporate worship the Holy Spirit fosters gratitude and strengthens the ties that bind us to Christ and one another

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